Las Vegas Landlord Insurance
Landlords and investors in Homes, Apartments and condominiums have special needs when it comes to finding comprehensive insurance coverage designed for multi-family housing units. Our Habitational coverage safeguards your assets plus offers options such as liability protection for condominium association members and loss of rental income for apartment owners.
Coverage options include:
- Master Key
- Expanded Directors and Officers Liability (condominium)
- Business Income (apartment)
Please contact Maria at 702.477.7776 for more information on Las Vegas Landlord Insurance for your Apartment building or condo.
Coverage Examples for Landlords in Las Vegas
Customized Property coverage tailored to meet your individual needs, including: buildings, business property, loss of rents, replacement cost, inflation guard and equipment breakdown coverage.
General Liability
Offers protection for premises, contractual, personal and advertising injury as well as many other liability exposures.
Protection ranges from theft of personal property (inside and outside your complex) to employee dishonesty, depositor’s forgery and broad form money and securities coverage.
Optional coverage’s and limits
Apartment owners have unique requirements. We offer a choice of additional coverage’s and higher limits in some areas such as outdoor signs and accounts receivable to meet your individual needs.
Optional Unit-Owners coverage
Coverage for individual unit-owners’ improvements and betterments is available. Choose from three unique unit-owners coverage options.
Optional Directors/Officers Liability
Provides protection to current as well as past board members from claims of negligence in fulfillment of duties and responsibilities. Volunteers, committee members and employees can also qualify for coverage.
Please contact us at 702.477.7776 for additional information regarding your Las Vegas Landlord Insurance.